This video shows the effects smoking can have on the mind and body. Ash tray warning!!
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SmokingVideo provided by TINO
WEBSITEThere are more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, and at least 43 of these chemicals cause cancer. When you smoke, this is what happens: there’s the initial stimulation and feeling of alertness and mild euphoria. Then there’s decreased appetite, and an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Smoking makes it a lot harder to stay fit and healthy. When you smoke, you’re more likely to have shortness of breath and get sick with coughs and colds. Smoking may cause your skin to break out, stain your teeth, making them look yellow, and it may also cause bad breath.
Nicotine in cigarettes is a stimulant, which means it won’t calm you down if you’re stressed. You don’t have to smoke a lot of cigarettes to become addicted—cigarettes are so addictive that some people say they’re even harder to quit than heroin. So, it’s a good idea not to start in the first place. Over time, you could get cataracts, mouth cancer, bronchitis, lung cancer, empyema, stomach cancer, bad skin, bad circulation, leukemia, and the list goes on and on.
It’s stupid, it’s silly, it’s disgusting, it’s gross, and it’s bad for your health. The smell is really bad for you, and there are no advantages to doing it. It seems like a pretty idiotic way of spending a lot of money on cancer.
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