REPUTATION: What does my online rep look like?

3rd May, 2017    |    By  Project Rockit    |     1.8k

In Episode 6, presenters Ro and Cass suss each other out online and share their hot tips for keeping control of your online reputation. With a couple of simple strategies, you can take control of the info you’re putting out there and craft yourself and online identity that fits who you are offline. Now let’s chat…

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Staying safe online

Video provided by Project Rockit


Video Transcription

REPUTATION: What does my online rep look like?

Cass: Hey P Rockers, I’m Cass.

Rosie: And I’m Rosie.

Cass: For this episode, we thought we would do something a little bit different. We’re going to have a challenge!

Rosie: Yeah, we call this challenge the “Two for Two Challenge,” which basically means that we each get two minutes to find out two things about each other, but only using Google.

Cass: Okay, so let’s say maybe we find one random photo and one random fact, which would be pretty easy for us right now because we’re BFFs and friends on social media. So, for this challenge, we’re going to have to unfriend each other.

Rosie: For real?

Cass: Just for the challenge. It’s okay.

Rosie: All right, let’s do it. Breathe. Let’s go.

Cass: So, um, what’d you find?

Rosie: I did not know that you’re a world-pro go-kart driver. Is that legit?

Cass: No! And I, um, I must say, I found this photo of you in what seems to be a pie-eating contest.

Rosie: Ro, that is legit, but it was one time.

Cass: How’d you go?

Rosie: I actually lost.

Cass: Look, so by this challenge, we can kind of tell there may be some pretty funny and random stuff out there that we’ve completely forgotten about. But for some people, there’s some stuff in the online world that they’re not so proud of.

Rosie: So, your online reputation is basically what people can see about you online. Think back to that last post that you shared, or that last post that you liked, or even the stuff that we’re tagged in, like photos and things like that.

Cass: Yeah, but I think as well, sometimes our online reputation can be a really positive one too.

Rosie: Totally. I mean, there are so many things out there online, I reckon, with you and me to do with Project Rocket that I want to be out there because I’m proud of them.

Cass: For sure. And, you know, there’s some stuff that we do want to share, but we don’t want everyone to see it. So what we’re talking about is reputation and privacy.

Rosie: And that’s why Cass and I want to share some easy hot tips about how you can protect yourself online and create an awesome and positive reputation.

Cass: Yeah. So to kick us off, our first hot tip: Google yourself.

Rosie: Yeah, we have done it before. Look, go out there and actually, you know, see what your online reputation is. Know what’s out there.

Cass: We Google ourselves.

Rosie: I do it daily.

Cass: Well, I don’t really. But, you know, you might find stuff out there that maybe isn’t so crash-hot. But don’t stress, because hot tip number two is what you can actually do about it.

Rosie: Yeah, look, if there is something out there that you don’t want to be out there, actually ask the person who posted it to take it down. I know that sounds really obvious, but I think it’s often a step that we miss.

Cass: Totally. And I reckon as well, go back through your old content and just delete stuff that doesn’t reflect who you are.

Rosie: Yeah. And so, our third hot tip: check your privacy settings. Every different social media platform has different ways to set your profile on private. So if you don’t want people to see your stuff, just double-check your profile’s actually private.

Cass: And, look, as well, sometimes it can be better not to add random people. Because how weird would it be if I walked up to a random stranger on the street and showed them a photo of myself?

Rosie: Like, so weird.

Cass: I know. But let’s face it, by having random people following us on, say, Instagram, for example, it’s giving people a look into our lives.

Rosie: Yeah. And a bonus hot tip is to turn your geotagging off if you don’t want to be sending out a location of where you are when you’re posting stuff.

Cass: Yeah, that sounds so weird and kind of creepy, actually. But geotagging has been used in some pretty cool ways, like Google Maps, for example.

Rosie: I mean, I would be lost without Google Maps. Like, actually lost. Like, legit, I’d be lost. I wouldn’t be here today.

Cass: So, you know, it’s good for Google Maps. But turn those settings off on your social media accounts.

Rosie: You know what, guys? When it comes down to it, it’s so important to look after ourselves online.

Cass: You know, let’s make sure that we’ve got our own backs. Let’s keep ourselves private when we need to be, and let’s create awesome online reputations.

Rosie: So, P Rockers, if we take anything from today’s episode, let it be that. Let’s flood the digital world with the stuff that we’re really proud of.

Video by Project Rockit