Reach out before you flip out – leaving high school ekkkk
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Starting in a new place Finding and starting workVideo provided by Reach Out
WEBSITELife after school was very different from what I was expecting. I was more independent, but it wasn’t the kind of independence I thought I was going to get. We were in this bubble during high school, and you think your problems are everything. Then you get out, and you realize, “Wow, now I’m actually on my journey.”
It took me forever to get my first job. I applied online for six months, sent in hundreds of applications. Then I met one person, had a conversation, did a resume, and in two weeks, I got a job. It blew my mind.
When I left my little hometown and went up to Sydney to start a degree, my dad was like, “Well, okay, I’ll leave you to it then.” And I started getting that awful, awful feeling—it’s just dread, absolute dread. But you just have to go out that door.
I made that active decision and struck up a conversation. Having people to listen to you is just very important. When I let those people in, everything changes. I’m able to deal with it, and I feel better.
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