Video provided by headspace
Video Transcription
Coming Out – May Lyn
My name is May Lyn, and I’m from southwestern Sydney. I think coming out to family was a little bit harder than coming out to my friends, especially when it came to cultural issues. That was mainly because, when I thought about my extended family—of which there are about 300 living in Australia—I couldn’t think of anyone who fell into the LGBTQIA+ category at all.
So, if a friend came to me for advice about coming out, I think the first thing that I’d probably do is thank them for being comfortable enough to share that with me. What I would tell them is, just take it at your own pace. You don’t have to come out all at once. Whatever you’re comfortable with. This isn’t a set timeline that you have to stick to. You don’t have to tell one person today and then 100 people tomorrow. You can just take it easy and take it slow, whatever is comfortable for you.
Video by headspace