We need to yarn about syphilis

8th January, 2021    |    By  WA Health    |     711

Info about syphilis

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Sex & Sexual Health

Video provided by WA Health


Video Transcription

We need to yarn about syphilis

Syphilis is a really bad infection you can get from having sex. It used to be rare in our communities, but now more people are getting it. Syphilis can make you really sick on the inside and outside. You don’t want to get it.

How does syphilis make you sick?

Syphilis is easy to get through all kinds of sex: vaginal, anal, and oral. It gives you sores around the mouth, penis, vagina, or the bum. The sores don’t usually hurt or last long, so you can have syphilis and not know it. You can then get a rash on your body, usually on your hands and feet. If you have syphilis for a while, it can make things go wrong with your brain, heart, skin, and bones.

What if you’re pregnant?

If you are pregnant, syphilis can hurt you and your baby. Your baby could die or have a disability for the rest of its life. Your baby will probably need medicine with a needle and more regular checkups with the doctor to make sure they are strong and healthy.

How do we stop getting syphilis?

There are four main things you can do:

  • Practice safer sex.
  • Get tested every three to six months.
  • If you have syphilis, go back to the doctor or clinic and get medicine.
  • Let your sexual partners know.

Practicing safer sex means always using condoms and water-based lube when you have sex. Getting tested regularly for sexually transmitted infections every three to six months, or when you change partners, is also important. You can get a blood test at an Aboriginal medical service, a sexual health clinic, a hospital, or by seeing a doctor or nurse. Your healthcare worker will ask you questions about your body and your sex partners.

Remember, syphilis can hurt your baby, so if you are pregnant, you want to get tested often. If you are trying to have a baby, you should get tested too and make sure you only have sex with your partner.

If you have syphilis, you can get treated with antibiotics. The earlier it’s found, the easier it is to treat. Medicine doesn’t stop you from getting it again, so let people you’ve had sex with know that you have syphilis. This way, they can get tested and treated if needed, stopping syphilis from spreading through your community. If it’s hard to tell them, your doctor, nurse, or health worker can help let them know.

To find out more about syphilis, talk to a health worker or go to any of these places for information.

Stay safe, you mob.

Video by WA Health