Masturbation - Sex in 60 seconds with Hannah Witton

25th April, 2017    |    By  The Mix    |     2.9k

Sex and relationships boff Hannah Witton and get to grips with this sticky issue.

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Video provided by The Mix


Video Transcription

Masturbation – Sex in 60 seconds with Hannah Witton

Hi, I’m Hannah, and I make sex education videos on the YouTube channel I’m here at to give you some sex ed lessons in 60 seconds.

There’s no right or wrong way to masturbate—it’s completely personal. So figure out what works for you and make sure you feel comfortable.

Is masturbation bad for you? No.

I’m a girl. Is it okay to masturbate? Yes.

Is it okay if I don’t think about my partner when I masturbate? Yes. It doesn’t mean that you don’t love them or fancy them anymore. Just be open and honest with them and find the balance between having your own private sexual life and appreciating their feelings.

Is it weird if I think of odd stuff while I masturbate? You pervert! The sexual brain is odd—all sorts of random crap comes into play in our self-love sessions. It doesn’t mean that you want your fantasies to become real. That’s why they’re called fantasies.

Masturbation is great. It’s completely normal, so you’ve got nothing to worry about. It’s not like it’s going to make you go blind!

Video by The Mix