Lac’s story

20th May, 2021    |    By  Carer Gateway    |     749

Lac is the primary carer for her brother Andrew, who was born with Down syndrome. While she thinks of it as her family duty, she found that she was eligible for services to help her look after Andrew. There are times when Lac feels isolated and has a lot more responsibility than other people of her age. But she also has an increased sense of empathy and life skills. For advice on services and supports available to carers, please go to or call 1800 422 737.

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Young carers

Video provided by Carer Gateway


Video Transcription

Lac’s story – Young Carer

 My mum and I are the primary carers for my younger brother Andrew.

He was born with Down Syndrome.
For the first five to six years of Andrew’s life, I had to provide a lot of care to him and also support my mum.
My dad was working overseas and my mum had to care for the whole family as a collective.
Lac kind of stepped in and paid kind of like a motherly figure.
I thought it was my duty as Andrew’s older sister to help look after him, but also to step up in the household.
Trying to understand the care that will be required for Andrew’s entire life.
Caring for Andrew has impacted my work and the things that I want for my life.
There are times that I feel isolated and alone because I don’t feel as though other people understand the same responsibilities that I have.
But at the same time, Andrew has made us realise how important it is to have empathy for others, and the importance of caring and helping other people.
She has a lot more responsibilities than a lot of people her age and probably contributed in large part to why she’s so compassionate.
I’ve never taken any official respite,
but I do take time out now to spend some time with my friends—sometimes go on holidays.
I’ve seen a lot of occasions where Lac has been quite overwhelmed with all of her responsibilities.
It’s nice to see her relax a little bit and step away from some of the more serious responsibilities that she has.
I think caring for Andrew has influenced Lac’s personality.
I describe her as caring, compassionate, and just takes things upon herself to make changes.
It has changed over time.
Now Andrew’s a lot more independent.
To be able to see him do things that we thought weren’t possible gives us a sense of confidence in what he can do in the future.
He’s actually guided me into a new career.
I’m an occupational therapist because of my experience as a carer and looking after someone with a disability.

Video by Carers Gateway