Getting a sexual health check - Part 2 of 3

20th January, 2022    |    By  Family Planning NSW    |     916

You could visit Family Planning NSW for:

  • condoms
  • contraception
  • emergency contraception
  • pregnancy information and tests
  • period problems
  • puberty information
  • pap tests and
  • post natal checks

We are a non-judgemental service that respects the rights of young people to make choices about their sexuality.

We also respect cultural and religious diversity.

Find your nearest Family Planning NSW clinic to arrange a sexual health check.

For more information about sexual health visit the NSW Health Play Safe website.

Also check the related topics:  

Sexual health check up

Video provided by Family Planning NSW


Video Transcription

So, Annie, I know it’s the first time you’ve been to the clinic. What can I do for you today?
Um, I’m here for a sexual health check.

Oh, that’s great. We can do that for you today. I will need to ask you a few questions about your sexual health, and that will include questions about recent sexual partners and also about any symptoms that you might have. Is that okay?

Okay, I’ll also ask you some questions about contraception and about your periods. Remember, anything that you tell me is confidential, so I can’t tell anyone else unless I think that you’re at risk of harm or somebody else is at risk of harm.


So, because you don’t have any symptoms, Annie, we can just do a urine test.
So, I’ll give you a specimen jar, and you just need to put the first bit of urine in the jar. So, I’ll show you where the bathroom is.

Hi, honey, thanks.

Okay, so Annie, we’ll send that sample to the lab and we’ll have your results in about three days’ time. Are you able to ring us then?

And remember, if your STI result is positive, you’ll need to come back in to get some treatment, and we can help you contact your recent sexual partners.

Okay, have you got any questions?
What if it’s negative?

Well, that’s great, but we still recommend that you have another test done every year. So, you have a test once a year or if you change sexual partners. And remember, to prevent getting STIs, it’s important to use condoms every time you have sex.

Have you heard about our condom credit card?
Um, no, I haven’t.

Oh, it’s a great way to get free condoms. We can sign you up for that today too if you like.

Okay, sure.

Lachlan Lee. Yeah, you.