Get to Know - Vapes

31st May, 2024    |    By  Youth Projects    |     245

Get to Know – Vapes is a part of our ‘Get to Know’ Series sharing insights into various commonly used substances including their impacts and effects, safer use tips, and how to keep an eye on your mates.


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Smoking Vaping

Video provided by Youth Projects


Video Transcription

Get to Know – Vapes

Vapes are battery-operated devices, and they’re used to heat a liquid to produce a vapor. The vapor is then inhaled, mimicking smoke.

Disposable devices you may see around almost always contain nicotine, regardless of whether the packet says so or not. In Australia, most vapes that you’ll see are unregulated and therefore illegal, given that they are imported illegally from overseas. They contain a mixture of dangerous, unregulated chemicals.

Some of these chemicals and toxins include formaldehyde, aluminium, heavy metals like arsenic, copper, lead, nickel, and tin. Other common names you may know them by are e-cigs, highlighters, tank systems, pens, or even JUUL.

At the moment, we don’t really know the long-term effects of vaping. However, like cigarettes, we know it’s probably not great.

Some harm-reduction things I would suggest:

  • Implementing a vape-free zone in your house. If you were normally vaping in your bedroom, make that your vape-free zone. Go outside to have your vapes.
  • Try buying a vape with a lesser puff amount.
  • If you can, try and time your vape hits.