Get to Know - Ketamine

31st May, 2024 By Youth Projects    |     239

Get to Know – Ketamine is a part of our ‘Get to Know’ Series sharing insights into various commonly used substances including their impacts and effects, safer use tips, and how to keep an eye on your mates.

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Video provided by Youth Projects


Video Transcription

Get to Know – Ketamine

Ketamine is usually used by medical practitioners and vets as an anesthetic. It is being used illegally by people for recreational use. It is a dissociative drug—it reduces sensations in the body, and it’s a sedative that can have mild hallucinatory effects. Some other names you might know it by are K, horse, sauce, K, or Special K.

Some of the effects you may feel from ketamine use are feeling detached from your body, confusion, clumsiness, anxiety, panic attacks, and an increased heart rate.

Some harm minimization strategies around ketamine use would be to avoid using it with benzodiazepines such as Valium or Xanax. This can lead to passing out and vomiting. Start low and go slow, as with most substances.

If you are using ketamine in powdered form, switch nostrils between each bump and each line, and flush your nose with water before and after to clean out your sinuses. Flushing it out with water can also reduce the risk of a sinus infection. Use a straw to snort it, and don’t share your straw with other people. Try to avoid using money—it’s full of bacteria.

Video by Youth Projects