Fullas, New Partner, New Test Every Time

25th July, 2024    |    By  Young Deadly Free    |     195

Join Jack and his buddas on the basketball court. As they take a break and the conversation unfolds, they discuss the importance of regular STI testing and how it is a crucial step in protecting themselves and their relationships.

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Blackfisch (@blkfschstories) produced the Young Deadly Free Urban and Regional videos. Blackfisch is a majority Indigenous-owned and operated creative agency based in Sydney, NSW.

Also check the related topics:  

Sexuality & Gender

Video provided by Young Deadly Free


Video Transcription

All right, come on. Come on.

Hey, man, what you been up to?

Yeah, sorry, bro. I was at the doctors.

Everything all good?

Yeah, I just had to go get tested.

For what?

I just started seeing this new girl, and she asked me to get an STI test.

Apparently, you can get something and not even know about it.

Yeah, I heard about that. It happened to a mate. He had something and gave it to his girlfriend. She broke up with him because she thought he cheated.

He reckons he just got it from his last relationship and didn’t know.

Exactly, man. I don’t want that to be me. I really like this chick.

I don’t know, man. Blood test and just pee in a cup. It’s that easy, bro.

Yeah, actually, I got one done last week. I’m all clear.

Nice. Now you just need a girlfriend.
