Not having enough money sucks. These guys know how it feels, and have some ideas on things that can help.
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WEBSITEIf I’m in a positive mood, then I think about my money, and it brings me down straight away. When you’re tight on money, it affects you all day, every day. You’re constantly stressed about paying your next bill or not being able to go to Woolies and get your food. I saved up before I came to uni, and then that money was all gone within the first two months. I was so surprised, and I realized how valuable money is. It feels pretty shitty stressing about money, wondering when you’re going to eat next or when you’re going to buy some new clothes.
It is pretty bad when you can’t make ends meet, and when you’re asking people for food or for money, you feel pretty low. If your friends aren’t that tight with money and they can go out and maybe go to the pub and have dinner or go to the movies, and you’ve got to sit at home and not join in, that sucks. It stops you from travelling or getting the stuff you need—medication. I had to go without petrol in my car for a while. I also had to go without my car for a while; my car broke down, and I didn’t have the money to fix it.
You have to take time off from work to do this uni work and whatever else, and so your income becomes smaller. You’re just having to try and deal with how many hours you can work and how much money you have saved. It’s hard. Exercise is really nice; I love doing exercise because you’re working yourself up, and you’re just letting it all go. Then having a shower and being able to come out of the shower and just calm down. If I’m really upset, I might call my mum or talk to someone about it. It’s hard for it not to become overwhelming, but that’s when you just sit down, breathe.
I see a psychologist regularly to get anxiety advice, and just being able to talk about it and vent out how you’re feeling is really good. It’s always just good to stay positive and not think about it too much. Even though it can get tough, you’ll always pull through it eventually.
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