Budgeting hacks

15th March, 2018    |    By  Reach Out    |     1.5k

Ah, budgeting. Feel like you don’t know how? Here are some practical tips to keep you on track. https://au.reachout.com/

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Video provided by Reach Out


Video Transcription

Budgeting hacks

My dad uses Excel heaps for budgeting hacks. I don’t know how to use Excel—I’m horrible at it. YouTube is probably the cheapest, freest entertainment. Netflix is pretty cheap and pretty cool. You can go to the art gallery or the museum. The library here offers DVDs, books, and CDs. I go to the library a fair bit to read. The library is free as well. You can hang out with friends and have picnics. If you like going outdoors, outdoors is free. I always make sure I have some petrol money aside in case I forget to fill up.

Try not to go window shopping a lot because that’s how you’re going to spend your money. Buying cheap cuts of meat and slow cooking them helps. Coles $10 meals—they’re handy and taste really good. There’s nothing wrong with Home Brand. Buy in bulk, cook it up, and put it in the freezer. It’s cheaper if you buy in bulk, and then you spend a whole day cooking, which actually cuts down on the cooking time overall.

Have a savings account. I try to put as much money in there as possible. Putting aside a little bit of money whenever you can really adds up. Never get a credit card. I’ve never used Afterpay, and I never will. Nope, because if I spend it on that, then I can’t have this. Just don’t spend your money on stupid stuff.

Video by Reach Out