Your body & health - you can ask that Ep 1

8th January, 2021    |    By  Young Deadly Free    |     866

When it comes to learning about your body and your health there are no stupid questions. Here on “You can ask that” youth will ask sexual health questions; some of the questions you might be too shame to ask yourself. Make sure you watch all 3 episodes.

Also check the related topics:  

Sex & Sexual Health

Video provided by Young Deadly Free


Video Transcription

When it comes to learning about your body and your health, there are no stupid questions. Here on “You Can Ask That,” youth will ask sexual health educators some of the questions you might be too ashamed to ask yourself.

Is it true that having sex is good for your fitness?

I think, yeah, I mean, having sex can burn calories, so I guess it can be good for your fitness. It releases all those feel-good chemicals. I always say an orgasm is as good as a sleeping tablet.

If she says stop in a good way, do I stop or do I keep going?

Mr. Schue, stop. She told you to stop, you stop. Yeah, no means no means no. That’s it. That’s the only way I can explain it. It has to be respected. Even in married couples, if the partner says, “I’ve got a headache, I don’t feel like doing that tonight,” she’s actually saying no. Respect that, and do it another time. That’s it—no means no.

Crabs alive?

Yes, of course, crabs are alive. Yes, yeah, yes. Pubic lice, or crabs, can live in any sort of hair that we do have, like in moist areas and places. But believe me, crabs, as a sexually transmitted or transmissible infection, are alive and well.

Stay tuned for the next episode of “You Can Ask That” to see if some of your questions are answered.