Off your head, don’t share your bed! This video explores the issue of sex and consent when alcohol is involved.
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Alcohol Sex and consent Sexual assault Abusive relationships Sexual health check up SexVideo provided by TINO
WEBSITEConsent is basically when you’ve agreed to take part in some kind of activity, be it sex or drinking alcohol. If you’re drunk at all, you can’t, by law, give consent to any activity. So, let’s say, for example, you had been drinking with someone and then you had sex with them. If you woke up the next day and said that you hadn’t given consent because you were drunk, you’d actually be right, because the law states that if someone has been drinking, they cannot give consent to any activity. If you’re so drunk that you don’t know what you’re doing and you can’t consciously think about the decision you’re making, then that’s too drunk.
Having sex with someone without their consent is rape or sexual assault, and it’s a crime. It’s against the law. Well, I think if someone’s sober or pretty much sober, and the other person is solidly intoxicated, that could definitely be seen as rape. The legal consequences of having sex with someone without their consent are that you can face jail time. You will go to court, and you will be charged. There are very severe legal consequences for that.
I think if the first time you have sex with someone is when you’re drunk, then it’s probably not a great idea. You can change your mind after you’ve given consent. For example, if you’re having sex with someone and halfway through, you decide to stop, and you say stop but they don’t stop, then they have actually raped you. If you’ve said no to sex and the other person hasn’t listened, you should call the police because they’ve raped you. Also, contact SAS Services, which is the sexual assault support service, the crisis service we have here, and they can get you help, take you to a hospital, and support you through the whole process of getting that other person charged and making sure that you’re safe.
Just realize that consent is a very important thing. Getting consent, as far as sex is concerned, is the only way to ensure that you haven’t committed sexual assault. Unless that person has explicitly said that they are going to have sex with you and they’re willing to have sex with you, there’s no way you can guarantee otherwise that you’ve had consensual sex.
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