Advice on using condoms

19th January, 2022    |    By  Play It Safe    |     686

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Advice on using condoms

I think the best advice I can use would be to practice on a banana first hmm this might be controversial but I think you should let the person who has the penis put the condom on I think the person who knows how to do it best should be putting it on if you’re not sure you can always just watch a video but just make sure it’s on properly on the right way you’re using Lube used the correct Lube so oil-based Lube cannot be used with condoms it will break down the material and it’s no good so making sure that

you’re using water-based Lube and silicon leave with condoms people should check if they have an allergy or if they partner partners have an allergy and to make sure that you find one that works for you and everyone else involved [Music]