Hear young people and professionals talk about bullying.
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WEBSITEIt can be really hard to know what to say or do when you or someone you know is being bullied. It’s normal to feel ashamed, trapped, and kind of hopeless. Remember that not all bullying is physically threatening. Even offensive text messages can leave someone feeling really down about themselves.
I got bullied a lot when I was in school. I haven’t done anything to you, why are you mean?
I would probably say a lot of it would have to do with social media. Maybe I would find a lot of people getting judged by other people that are around them and don’t get a proper go.
So, all kinds of people experience bullying throughout their lifetime. It’s not just a school experience, it’s not like there’s one stereotype of a person who’s being bullied. You shouldn’t discriminate against anyone for anything, no matter what they are, or who they are, or who they want to be. Everyone should just be accepted.
People can tend to think it’s okay to bully people, and especially being Indigenous, I face a lot of racism, and a lot of Indigenous people would.
It’s never okay to bully someone. When it goes unchallenged, it can create an environment where bullying becomes accepted and everyone feels powerless to stop it.
But no matter how hopeless it may feel, there are things you can do and different ways to get help.
With something as complicated as bullying, which doesn’t usually involve one easy solution, it does require a bit of work across a variety of areas, and getting help from a variety of places is important to that. They could give you some feedback you probably never thought of and kind of make you think outside the box, and they could give you some advice on how to deal with it.
The only way that I could actually get through anything was to love myself. Like, loving myself first was the number one thing to get me through. I knew I was the only person that was going to be there to make me happy.
I’ve kind of stopped worrying so much about what other people think, because it’s very exhausting and it’s very painful.
It can be a little bit overwhelming, but taking that first step is the best way to understand how you’re going to navigate it. You just kind of move on with your life, and you feel better about everything, and you feel better about yourself.
Speaking to someone about your problems can be the first steps to a solution.
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