Drinks Meter is a user-friendly app for your phone or tablet that provides confidential, personalised feedback about your alcohol use based on advice from doctors and the Australian guidelines to reduce health related risks from alcohol.

Drinks Meter is:
- Free to download
- Allows you to easily enter alcoholic drinks you have had in the past 7 days
- Adds up your weekly spend on alcohol
- Shows what you’ve been drinking in equivalent standard drinks
- Shows what you’ve been drinking in kilojoules/calories you’ve consumed and the equivalent to foods like cheeseburgers or chocolate bars
- Shows you how your drinking compares with national alcohol guidelines and other users of Drinks Meter
- Personalises your feedback adjusted to risk factors based on family and medical history (e.g. BMI, prescription medication, mental illness and addiction)
- Has tools to help you cut down your drinking, like weekly goal setting and a drinking diary
- Includes an interactive pouring tool to help you understand how much is a standard drink
Get started by downloading the Drinks Meter app through your app store.
iTunes store
Google Store
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