Get to Know - MDMA

31st May, 2024    |    By  Youth Projects    |     219

Get to Know – MDMA is a part of our ‘Get to Know’ Series sharing insights into various commonly used substances including their impacts and effects, safer use tips, and how to keep an eye on your mates.

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Ecstasy, ICE and other Amphetamines

Video provided by Youth Projects


Video Transcription

Get to Know – MDMA

MDMA is an empathogen. It increases an individual’s feelings of empathy and kindness, and it can increase feelings of being socially accepted and connected to others. Some other more commonly known names you may know it by are Molly, pingers, or E.

Some effects of MDMA use include teeth grinding, excessive sweating, dehydration, heightened senses, and a faster heartbeat.

Some harm minimization strategies around taking MDMA would include starting low and going slow. Start with a really small dose, and don’t redose again for at least another two hours. Take regular breaks and make sure you stay hydrated. This doesn’t mean drinking one liter of water at a time; make sure you’re taking small sips of water throughout the day or night.

MDMA can come in many different forms. If you are using it in a powder-like substance and snorting it, ensure that you’re switching nostrils between each bump or line and flushing your nose with water before and after each bump. Use a straw, and don’t share it with other people. Don’t use money—it contains so much disgusting bacteria.

If you are planning on using MDMA, ensure that you let other people know what you plan to use. This is so if something does go wrong, people are able to let the paramedics know what you have used.

Video by Youth projects