Getting a sexual health check - Part 3 of 3

20th January, 2022    |    By  Family Planning NSW    |     922

You could visit Family Planning NSW for:

  • condoms
  • contraception
  • emergency contraception
  • pregnancy information and tests
  • period problems
  • puberty information
  • pap tests and
  • post natal checks

We are a non-judgemental service that respects the rights of young people to make choices about their sexuality.

We also respect cultural and religious diversity.

Find your nearest Family Planning NSW clinic to arrange a sexual health check.

For more information about sexual health visit the NSW Health Play Safe website.

Also check the related topics:  

Sexual health check up

Video provided by Family Planning NSW


Video Transcription

So, what happened with that STI test you took?
Well, I called up and I’m in the clue that is awesome, but you know what? Better make sure to use those free condoms next time, eh?
Yeah, for free.

Oh, hi Lachlan, so thanks for ringing up for your results. I do have your STI results in front of me, and it shows that your chlamydia test was positive.
Now, chlamydia is a really common STI, and it’s easily treated with a single dose of antibiotics, which we can give you. So, you will need to come in to get those antibiotics. Is that okay?

Oh, yeah, okay.

We actually have an appointment today at 2:30 if that suits you.
Yeah, that should be fine.

Great. Well, when you come in, we can talk to you some more about chlamydia and also about letting any sexual partners you’ve had in the last six months know, because they’ll also need to be treated.
We can help you do that, or you can call them yourself. Is that okay?

Yeah, I should be able to do that.

Okay, well, we’ll see you at 2:30, and we can make sure that we give you treatment and that any of your recent sexual partners get contacted as well.

Okay, all right. No worries.
Okay, we’ll see you at 2:30 then. Thanks, bye.

Okay, bye.