Youth yarn about... when is the best time to have sex?

8th January, 2021    |    By  Young Deadly Free    |     899

Youth yarn about… is a video series for youth with the voices of youth.

The decision to have sex or not is very personal. Everyone will have different things that influence their decision.

These questions may help you to think about it but you may also have other questions to ask yourself of your friends as well.

1. Am I the legal age to have sex in my state? (16 in all states except SA and TAS where the age of consent is 17)

2. Do I have all the information I need to make a decision? (eg do I know how to protect myself from STIs? Do I know how to stop a pregnancy from happening? do I know about STIs, BBVs and Pregnancy)

3. Do I have a safe environment? (Am I in a safe place? Can I make a decision eg I am not drunk or high? Am I planning to have sex with someone who respects me and makes me feel safe? Will the person respect my decision if I change my mind? Do I feel pressured or am I free to decide?)

4. Am I ready to deal with any of the possible outcomes of my decision? (Would I feel okay about getting an STI check? Would I know what to do if I/my partner feel pregnant?

5. Does my decision fit with my cultural or religious beliefs?

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Also check the related topics:  

Sex & Sexual Health

Video provided by Young Deadly Free


Video Transcription

Youth yarn about… when is the best time to have sex?

I think 16 or 17 is when you can get old enough to give consent. Well, they say it’s 16, but it’s the new 18 nowadays. So, yeah, I’d say it’s probably a reasonable age. But I think it’s when they feel like they’re ready, not to be pressured, not like, you know, because everyone else is doing it. It’s not a trend. That’s when you feel like, within yourself, that you’re ready to make that step, because this is a big life-changing move. That’s not something that should be just, you know, not a big deal, because it is a big deal.

Yeah, I think if you feel like you’re ready, if you feel like you have enough knowledge and know how to be safe, then it’s really up to when you feel ready. I think you consent to, but, you know, being in a relationship, it doesn’t have to be sex. You know, it doesn’t have to be sex. You could enjoy a relationship with someone, you know, holding hands, talking, communicating in a good way, telling each other how you feel, that sort of stuff.

Ideal? No age would be 18, I guess. I don’t know, because I think that will give you more time to think about life and think about yourself, really, and what you want first. They shouldn’t have sex before the age of 16 because they’re not mature enough. That’s still minor age, and they’re not… yeah, they don’t think about spreading STI cases.
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