There is so much great information to help you prepare for a bushfire, or to help those who become affected by a bushfire.
These links below take you to great websites.
A great article full of information and links to many key services at all stages of a bushfire emergency
Most people have a plan for what they will do during a bush fire. Unfortunately, not every plan will withstand the test of a bush fire.Take 5 minutes to improve or make a plan that will give your property, your family and yourself the best chance of survival should you be threatened by a bush fire. Visit the website.
Full of information on how to prepare and manage
A PDF document to help you prepare your plan
Information about managing your wellbeing during these difficult times
Once the immediate threat has passed it is important that you take care of your health and wellbeing, as well as being able to get aspect of your life like home, finances and resources restored.
Great information for those who want to know how to help others, or if you need help direct.
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