Step 4: Time it right | 5 steps to talking about bullying

29th April, 2017    |    By  ReachOut    |     1.9k

Bullying sucks and you shouldn’t have to deal with it alone. Rahart Adams shares 5 tips for how you can talk to someone about your bullying experience.
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Video provided by ReachOut


Video Transcription

Step 4: Time it right | 5 steps to talking about bullying

Hey guys, Rahart again, and I’m back with the fourth step in our five-part series on how you can talk about bullying. Step four is finding the right time to talk to them, also known as “Time it right.”

Once you’ve found the person that you want to talk to, and you’ve thought about the things that you want to tell them, you need to find a time where they’re least distracted. That’s only so they can have the mental space to actually fully listen to you. Now, they could be on their lunch break, or they could just be chillin’, whatever the case is. You can text or call them to find out when they’re not busy so that you can time it right. But this is really important, so if you can’t find the right time to talk to them, then you may need to just interrupt them, which is totally fine too.

When you’re planning on talking to this person, think about where you want to talk to them. It might be somewhere a little bit more private, somewhere where you feel comfortable, because you’ll probably be talking about some pretty sensitive stuff. It’s okay to do it away from everybody else. It might be in a classroom, or an empty office room, or at the park—wherever you feel comfortable.

And if you can’t get a hold of the person that you want to talk to alone, you can call them, text them, email them, Skype them, FaceTime them, Snapchat them, Facebook them, whatever. It’s the 21st century, we’ve got technology, and you can talk to them.

That’s it for now, guys. Good luck. I’ll be back in the next video with the fifth and final step on how you can talk about bullying. If you’d like more information on bullying, you can head to or you can head to the forum section if you have any questions.

Until the next video, guys, see ya.

Video by Reach Out