
25th April, 2017    |    By  Youth Projects    |     1.8k

This animation is part of an STI resource tool created by Youth Projects. The resource tool provides information and education about a range of sexually transmitted infections including symptoms.

Also check the related topics:  

Sex & Sexual Health Types of STI’s

Video provided by Youth Projects


Video Transcription


Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection that has been around for centuries. Many people throughout history, from royals to peasants, have been infected with syphilis. Fortunately, the bacteria causing syphilis can be treated with a common antibiotic called penicillin. Unfortunately, the number of cases of syphilis in Australia has increased recently, particularly in men who have sex with men.

One of the first signs of syphilis infection is the presence of skin sores anywhere on the body in the first stages of the infection. These sores may not be visible; they can be inside the cervix or in the rectum. Because the sores don’t generally cause pain, an infected person may not see any reason to go to their doctor. These sores generally heal by themselves, and the infection then lies quiet for a while, causing no new symptoms for weeks, months, or even up to 2 years. But the bacteria are still present in the body, so a second wave of symptoms can occur later on.

Second-stage syphilis is easily transmitted to others through direct contact. Signs and symptoms of second-stage syphilis can include a flat red skin rash on the soles of the feet, the palms of the hands, or covering the whole body; hair loss; lumps on the genitals or around your vagina or penis; you could also experience enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits, neck, and groin, and general fatigue and tiredness.

Approximately one-third of people who don’t get any treatment may go on to develop tertiary or third-stage syphilis. This usually occurs many years after the initial infection. This stage is the most serious but easily avoided with treatment early on. The symptoms of the third stage are the result of serious damage to the brain, spinal cord, or heart. At this stage, the infection is no longer considered contagious.

As with other STIs, syphilis can be transmitted from mother to baby. In Australia, most pregnant women are screened for syphilis so that treatment can be given to prevent infection of the baby. A syphilis infection is detected by a blood test. In some instances, the bacteria can also be identified under a microscope using samples of the sores, rashes, or spinal fluid.

Thankfully, the bacteria that cause syphilis can be killed off with penicillin. It is extremely important to complete the course of injections your doctor has recommended; otherwise, the treatment might not work, and you will still be infected with syphilis. Your doctor will monitor how well treatment is working for you by taking blood tests over a number of months. In some cases, treatment must be repeated. It is generally advised that, while you’re still having treatment and for 2 weeks afterward, you don’t have sex. If this isn’t a realistic option for you, be sure to always use a condom and make sure any sexual partners are tested too.

To greatly reduce your chances of getting syphilis, always practice safe sex, especially if traveling overseas, by using condoms and dental dams. Having a thorough sexual health check if you have any unusual signs or symptoms will mean syphilis and other STIs will be picked up and treatment can be given. And remember, help is always available from your local doctor or sexual health clinic.

Video by Youth Projects